We are Software Quality Experts. Enhancing quality of software products is a key aim of business leaders.

We advise, train, and implement software quality processes and technologies that fit our customers’ objectives so they can deliver better quality software.


Services q-leap


We do software test to provide stakeholders with valuable information about the quality of your software.


We teach methods and technologies to our customers so they can better manage the quality of their deliverable.


To solve the real problems of testers, Q-Leap innovates and develops beneficial tools.


Software Quality Experts

successfully completed projects

Test team ISTQB certified


We Innovate

To solve the real problems of testers, Q-Leap innovates and develops beneficial tools. We have therefore created Q-Bot and Q-Guard, tools that simplify the automation of all test cases.

Authentication 2FA

Q-Bot is a solution that allows the recovery of the OTP value on security tokens in order to automate the execution of business processes in real conditions.

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Test Automation

Q-Guard is a solution that automatically identifies the use cases of an application, generates test cases and exports them.

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